York Motor Club Clubday Autotests restarting 18th April 2021

From Robert Newlove:

From: York motor club
Sent: 08 April 2021 14:02
Subject: Fw: York Motor Club – April Clubday Autotests

Ladies and Gentlemen

After close scrutiny of the Government and MSA Covid guidlines the organising team has decided to restart our monthly Clubday Autotest events and get the 2021 motorsport season underway.

The April Clubday Autotests will take place on Sunday the 18th April at Acaster, site will be arrowed right off the Copmanthorpe to Acaster Selby Road and is to be organised by Steve Morten. Continue reading “York Motor Club Clubday Autotests restarting 18th April 2021”

Return to Motorsport: Competitor Guidance – 1 April 2021

An email from Motorsport UK:

This weekend sees the long-awaited return of motorsport, with over 25 events covering seven different disciplines being held across the Easter weekend in England and Guernsey. Events in other devolved nations look set to follow in the coming weeks.

Motorsport UK have produced this short Competitor Guidance video to help you prepare for the start of the season. Please take some time to watch the video and familiarise yourself with the guidance and regulations to ensure we can all enjoy a safe and successful season.
PLEASE WATCH – Return to Motorsport: Competitor Guidance

Continue reading “Return to Motorsport: Competitor Guidance – 1 April 2021”

Motorsport UK confirms motorsport will restart in England from 29 March

Release: 23/02/2021

Motorsport UK is pleased to announce that organised Permitted motorsport can resume in England with effect from 29 March, subject to local restrictions and in accordance with its own Restart Guidance.

This confirmation follows the announcement on 22 February by Prime Minister Boris Johnson that the third lockdown imposed on 4 January will be lifted, and formally organised outdoor sports – for adults and under 18s – can also restart but should be compliant with guidance issued by national governing bodies. Continue reading “Motorsport UK confirms motorsport will restart in England from 29 March”

Alan Healy Memorial and Cirrus Research Stages Rallies – Cadwell Park – 3 & 4 April 2021

From John Newlove:

Just noticed this on Border Motor Clubs web site

Border Motor Club are pleased to announce that, having had to postpone our event due to the latest national lockdown, we have joined forces with BLMCC to present a double header rally at Cadwell Park

The Alan Healy Memorial Rally will now take place on Saturday, April 3rd and will be followed by the Cirrus Research Stages (Originally scheduled for November 2020) on Sunday, April 4th.

Both of these events are subject to Motorsport UK approval and will be run with strict compliance to the COVID-19 guidelines available at the time.

All being well, we look forward to seeing you there in April!



NHMC Warcop Stages 2021 – 4 April 2021 – cancelled

North Humberside Motor Club Ltd regret to announce that for the second year running we have to cancel the NHMC Warcop Stages. The 2021 event was scheduled to run on Easter Sunday, 4th April 2021.

Press comments (and some government statements) appear to suggest that vaccination of the top 4 priority groups will be completed some time in February and that 3 weeks after that there may be some relaxation of the current restrictions (the legislation for the current lockdown in England has an ending date of 31st March 2021). That suggests that the earliest that restrictions may be relaxed will be mid-March. Previous restrictions have generally been extended which does not give us any confidence of the quoted dates being achieved.

The organising team have not been on the Warcop Military Training Area since the event at Easter 2019 – we need to see the ranges to check out our proposed stage routes. We cannot do that whilst the current restrictions are in place. Then after we have designed stages, the subjective route notes provider would need access to the Warcop Military Training Area to prepare subjective route notes and the Safety DVD.

The time-scales just do not work.

The combination of an available date for the ranges and access to our rally HQ means that it is not possible to re-schedule the event to later in 2021.

We remain hopeful that restrictions may be relaxed sufficiently to allow NHMC’s running of the John Overend Memorial Stages Rally on 30th May 2021 and the NHMC Cadwell Stages on 21st November 2021.

David James
Clerk of the Course, NHMC Warcop Stages

MSN Rally Championship

MSN Rally Championship posting on Facebook

In light of the announcement made by the UK Government yesterday and discussion with Motorsport Vision and the relevant organising clubs, we have taken the unfortunate decision to call a temporary halt to 2020-21 calendar. That means that in addition to Round 2 being postponed, Round 3 at Cadwell Park and Round 4 at Oulton Park have also unfortunately been postponed.

We are currently working with Motorsport UK, Motorsport Vision and all organising clubs to explore all avenues to ensure the Championship resumes. We are working through a revised calendar of events to ensure all 8 rounds of the Championship can take place which will announce in due course.

Riponian Rally 2021 – cancelled

From John Newlove:

Apparently the message below has appeared on Facebook. For some reason they don’t seem to want to tell me directly that the 2021 event has been cancelled.

The Riponian Organising Team, faced with no further clarification about access to the Yorkshire forests in February, coupled with uncertainty of what the future holds for COVID-19 restrictions after the Christmas ‘freedom of movement’ have decided that the only sensible thing to do would be cancel the event in February.

Additionally with there being no prospect of access to the forests between March and the end of July, which would then take us into clashes with events planning to use the same forests, unfortunately the only option was to have no Riponian in 2021. We plan to not waste the work the team has put in so far and aim to go again in February 2021.

December 2020 autotest cancelled

From Robert Newlove:

With there being no let up in the corona situation, and the likely hood of our area being in Tier3 after the lockdown, I have decided not to run the December Autotest. The next date scheduled is the New Year Autotest on the 3rd of January. I shall look at this a bit nearer the date.


Motorsport UK confirms the suspension of non-elite motorsport in England until early December

For anyone who has not seen it elsewhere, here is the statement from Motorsport UK issued on Monday 2nd November:

Dear motorsport colleagues,

Motorsport UK has consulted on the implications for motorsport in England with the Government’s Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport in respect of the plan to enter a four-week national lockdown on Thursday 5th November.

The governing body confirms that following DCMS guidance it must suspend all non-elite motorsport until 2nd December. Selected elite events officially recognised by the DCMS, which include the British Touring Car Championship, will be permitted to continue.

Motorsport activities in Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and the Channel Islands are subject to prevailing government guidance in those devolved territories. At this time, motorsport as organised sport continues in Scotland, in accordance with Motorsport UK’s comprehensive restart guidance introduced on 4th July. Motorsport is currently suspended in Northern Ireland and Wales, as mandated by the respective devolved governments.

In respect of permits issued for non-elite events in England between 5th November and 2nd December, Motorsport UK confirms that those permits are now withdrawn. Organisers will need to reapply if they plan to hold the event at a later date.

Motorsport UK will continue to monitor the prevailing advice from the UK Government and that of the devolved nations and ensure the motorsport community is updated.

Motorsport UK would like to thank the entire motorsport community for their resilience and hard work throughout the summer months to keep motorsport running and operating safely. During the coming weeks we will be working hard to ensure that as soon as government guidance allows, motorsport can safely resume once again.

Motorsport UK

New meeting place

From Robert Newlove:

Following the news that the Fergie Fawsitt will close permanently on 4 October, I’m pleased to announce that Committee members from Beverley and North Humberside clubs have successfully secured and approved a new Thursday night meeting venue. We needed someone to test the beer, and although this was a somewhat onerous task, Dennis stepped up to the mark, thanks Dennis someone had to do it!

From the 8 October, the Bay Horse, Cherry Burton, HU17 7RF, SE990 421(ish) will welcome members from both clubs. At present there is no allocated room, so you can only enter if there is a free table. Naturally, whichever Covid-19 restrictions are in place at the time will need to be adhered to when visiting the new venue. Currently, masks need to be worn and there is an excellent table service in place, Please respect these measures to ensure the safety of other members and staff. Also pubs close at 10.0pm (that’s actually closed by 10., not last orders).

These are strange times and we will have to see how it goes