NHMC Warcop Stages Rally
The date planned for the 2021 NHMC Warcop Stages is Easter Sunday, 4th April 2021. This is, of course, dependant on the state of the coronavirus pandemic and government restrictions on the date of the rally and in the period leading up to it.
The date planned for the 2020 NHMC Warcop Stages was Easter Sunday, 12th April 2020. However, this fell in the period when motorsport UK had suspended all organising permits owing to the coronavirus pandemic, so the event was not able to run in 2020.
The 2019 Warcop Stages Rally ran on Easter Sunday 21st April on the WarcopTraining Area (military ranges) in Cumbria – further details are on the event’s own website.
The 2018 Warcop Stages Rally ran on Sunday 1 April on the WarcopTraining Area (military ranges) in Cumbria – further details are on the event’s own website.
The event was a round of:
- the North of England Tarmacadam Championship,
- the SG Petch/ANECCC Stage Rally Championship.
- the ANCC Stage Rally Championship,
- the ANWCC Stage Rally Championship,
- the Yokohama Tyres Senior F1000 Championship,
- the HRCR Motoscope Northern Historic Mixed Surface Rally Championship.
The event was won by Greg McKnight and Harry Marchbank in their Ford Escort (pictured, click thumbnail to enlarge) – reproduced by kind permission of Kevin Money kevin.money37@btinternet.com, the event’s Official Photographer.
For full results please click here.
The first running of the NHMC Warcop Stages Rally took place on the Warcop Traing Area (military ranges) in Cumbria on Sunday 28th May 2017. Please also see the event’s own website.
The event was a round of:
- The North of England Tarmacadam Championship
- The Chonka MOT ANCC Stage Rally Championship & Legend Fires Ladies Cup
- The ANWCC Stage Rally Championsip and
- The HRCR Motoscope Northern Historic Asphelt Rally Championship.
The event was won by Greg McKnight and Laura Marshall in their Mitsubishi Evo 9 (pictured, click thumbnail to enlarge).
For full results please click here.
Images of the top 3 and award winners shown below (click thumbnail for larger image) – all photos reproduced by kind permission of Kevin Money kevin.money37@btinternet.com, the event’s Official Photographer.
Many thanks to all the competitors for supporting our new venture and particular thanks for all the marshals, rescue/medical teams, stage set-up teams, officials, and organisers for making it all possible. We hope to see you all again next year!