Next club meeting (5th May) and John Overend Memorial Stages Rally (19th June)

From Robert Newlove:

Just a reminder, that the next Monthly Meeting at the Ferguson Fawsitt is next Thursday 5th May, hopefully we can get some of us there a bit earlier about 8.0pm, we meet in the room behind the bar, it used to be called the snug.


On another note we need help with the setting up of Melbourne Airfield, the John Overend is on Sunday 19th June, so we need help on Friday and Saturday, 17th and 18th June. Please can you contact Robert Newlove ( 07764 140205) or John Dixon (01964 562001

Club Meetings – Ferguson Fawsitt Arms

From Robert Newlove:

The club  returned to the Ferguson Fawsitt Arms at Walkington last Thursday. The new landlord Alan, (who used to be at the Tiger Inn) welcomed us. We had about 25 members present.. We used the bit they call the snug.

We would like to do  the following.

First Thursday in the month, which was usually geriatrics night, we make our main night and try to start at 8.0pm. Alan says he cannot book the room out to us exclusively, but has he said, we just took it over, there wasn’t a problem.

Then any other Thursday the small numbers that attend can just take over a corner, but not in the dining room were we used to be


Ferguson Fawsitt Arms, Walkington – 7 April 2022

From Robert Newlove:

Ian Sadofsky has been in touch with the Fergy Fawsitt and we are welcome to return on a Thursday night. So we going to try a week on Thursday 7th April. Usual time of about 9.0pm, but could try a little earlier.

We have not made any specific arrangements, but will see how it goes.

I understand that the car parking area has been reduced.

Please try and support this new venture