York Motor club is running an autotest taster event on the sealed surface site at Acaster airfield. The event is open to non York motor club members. The event’s aim is to give anyone a chance to have a taste of autotesting without the pressure of entering a competition. It’s also a chance for the more experienced autotesters to have some practice. No competition licence required.
Event details
Venue: Acaster airfield (near York). OS map 105 574 421 the site will be arrowed when you get near.
Date & Time: Next Sunday the 28th April sign on at 9.30am, 10 am start, finish about lunchtime.
Entry Fee: £12 per driver. A car can be shared between two drivers.
If you could please let Ray Jude raymond.jude@sky.com know that you plan to take part, entries will be taken on the day.