On-line training from ANECCC

Training Session in 2021

The Association of North East and Cumbria Car Clubs (ANECCC) are pleased to advise that they are planning a number of Motorsport UK Marshal Training sessions using the Zoom Platform.

The sessions will take place each month on a Wednesday evening commencing in April, at a reasonable time of 7pm and will last mainly two hours with some needing to last a little longer to cover the module syllabus.

The sessions are scheduled for Wednesdays 21st April, 19th May, 23rd June, 21st July, 22nd Sept, 20th October & 17th November. A possible date of 25th August is also being considered.

More details and the sessions booking links are on the ANECCC website http://www.aneccc.co.uk/?page=37&t=Training the Association Facebook page ANECCC Facebook and the document attached to this email. Please share around your club’s.

The sessions will be limited to 90 attendees due to the Zoom account so early booking is encouraged, once the sessions are full a reserve list will be kept and priority given to reserve list members the next time that course/module is ran by this Association.

Whilst the training is being organised by the ANECCC, marshals from all Motorsport UK clubs are invited to attend.

Training Coordinator Leigh Macdonald said “this has taken a few months of organising but our thanks to everyone involved in getting us to this point, now it’s up to the marshals to take up this fantastic opportunity to learn and progress. ”,

Vice Chair Neville Simmons confirmed that plans are at an early stage for face to face training including outdoor practical in 2022, Covid19 regulations permitting.

More information can be obtained from the ANECCC Training Team by emailing
Leigh Macdonald lmacdonald555@aol.com
Anthony Jamieson anthony.jamieson@live.co.uk
Neville Simmons Neville.simmons@live.co.uk