De Lacy Motor Club Targa Rally – 25th July 2021 – update

(UPDATED 15th April):

Ian Sadofsky has now agreed to run a test on this event, please contact Ian in the first place to volunteer for the NHMC-run test.

From De Lacy MC via EMAMC and John Newlove:

I am writing to ask for your assistance as secretary of the EMAMC. We are running a single venue Targa Rally that will be based on MOD land at Catterick and the start will be Downholme Village on Map 99. I am Chief Marshal and would like your assistance in contacting the fellow EMAMC member clubs to ask for assistance Marshaling.

Should you require any further information on the event, please feel free to make contact.

Many Thanks Paul.
Paul Williamson
Chief Marshal – De Lacy Motor Club Targa Rally