Ferguson Fawsitt closing for good from 4th October 2020

From Robert Newlove:

As some of you will have heard, the Ferguson Fawsitt at Walkington is to close for good on the 4th October. There has been a small number attending on a Thursday and the last meeting will be on the 1st October.

We are looking for an alternative venue, preferably to share with Beverley & DMC, but any suggestions are welcome. Please contact a member of the committee .

NHMC Annual Awards Evening – 18 April 2020

From Robert Newlove:

I have had to change the date for our annual awards evening. It will now be held on Saturday 18th April.

Just an informal night to present last year’s Trophies. I will send out a list of award winners shortly.

Same venue as last year,

Skidby Lakes Golf Club, Woodhill Way, Off Harland Way, Cottingham, HU16 5SW

Tickets £6 Including Buffet

From Robert Newlove or any committee member

Contact Robert 01377 270888                gin@btinternet.com

Annual Auction – 2 May 2019

From Robert Newlove:

Just a reminder that our annual Auction of unwanted bits is next Thursday (2nd May), at the Ferguson Fawsitt. So sort out your rubbish (I mean very valuable parts), and bring them along. The start time is 9.0 p.m., so come a bit before that if you can. It’s worth coming just to see our entertaining Auctioneer Ken Hailstone .

Veteran Car Club

From our Chief Marshal, an email from Mike Kendall:

Veteran Car Club – Film night and annual lunch.

Hi John.

Attached are application forms to  what are annually  two very good events. The Car film show on Friday February 15th 2019 and the Annual lunch at York Racecourse on Sunday January 27th 2019.

Also VCC comes to Hull 2019. Continue reading “Veteran Car Club”

Christmas Quiz 13th December

A reminder for the Christmas Quiz.

To be held at the Skidby Lakes Golf club on Thursday 13th December, 8.0 for 8.30.

Teams of four if possible, £3 per head including a buffet supper. Please bring a raffle prize.

We need to know in advance if you are coming.

Please contact Pat Cunningham: 01430 449985, email patdlmc@dlmc.karoo.co.uk

Or Robert Newlove: 1377 270888, email gin@btinternet.com