Harold Palin Memorial Stages – Fulbeck Airfield 4th October 2020

From John Newlove:

Please respond to Simon if you can hep



From: Chief Marshal <eastwoodmarshalling@gmail.com>
Subject: Harold Palin Memorial Stages – Fulbeck Airfield 4th October 2020

Hello Marshals,

As a previous supporter of Eastwood and District Motor Club events, I am contacting you to request in-stage marshal help for the Harold Palin Memorial stages at Fulbeck on Sunday 4th October.

I understand that some of you may not be comfortable yet in attending events and that’s fine and some of you are desperate to get out and enjoy a bit of motorsport!

The event will be run differently to previous years, being shorter, but with multiple laps and obviously less contact with crews and officials face to face. The rally will start at 10am and have 6 stages (so a late start and early finish – happy days!).

We will be running with a reduced staffing level to previous events – first come, first served I’m afraid.

All signing on will need to be done electronically prior to the event. No one will be allowed to enter the venue unless they have completed the pre-event sign on as we have to make sure we know who is on site as part of the governments Covid-19 ‘track and trace’ scheme and we won’t have any paperwork on site.

Please could you let me know either way if you are available or not for the event and if you are could you also let me know your MSA number so I can make a start on the ‘electronic’ paperwork!

If you have any questions just ask and I’ll be happy to help.

Simon Rolph
Chief Marshal
Eastwood and District Motor Club