Twyford Stages October 22nd 2022

From John Newlove:

Please reply directly to Kevin if you want to help


From: Twyford Chief Marshal <>

Good evening,

I am contacting you as a potential marshal for the Twyford Wood Stages. This event will take place on Saturday 22nd October 2022. It has only recently been given the go ahead, so you may not have it on your marshalling calendars.

Twyford Wood is just off the A1 south of Grantham.

If you are able to attend please reply with the following information –
1)      Marshal or radio?
2)      If marshalling, do you have a Motorsport UK ID?
3)      If so, what is your license number.
4)      Please state if you can help at stage start/finish with timing.
5)      If radio, will you be double manned in your vehicle?

I have gathered my list of marshal e mail addresses from a variety of sources. Effectively that means you have kindly volunteered on a previous event. Consequently it may be that you live too far from the venue. If so, please accept my apologies for contacting you.

It may be that my contact details are out of date and you no longer wish to marshal or be radio on events. Again, if so, please accept my apologies.

I look forward to hopefully seeing you at Twyford Wood on 22nd October

Thank you,

Kev Murphy
Chief Marshal Twyford Wood Stages 2022